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Ani Ledodi Vedodi Li Rings story

I received a message from a woman via Whatsapp. She and her future husband was planning on getting married and had not found any suitable rings in shops. They were directed by a friend to my Facebook page. She inquired if I could have something specific made for them. 

I was delighted to hear that she wanted a ring for him and her with the precious and well known words on them from Songs of Solomon 2:16 "I am my beloved's and he is mine", in Hebrew, "ani ledodi vedodi li".

She had a specific antique look in mind for the background and shiny silver letters to make these special words stand out. Later I heard that she had inherited a very similar looking ring from her mother, who was married to her Jewish father. Unfortunately, and to her dismay, she lost the ring during a move. Joyfully this ring has now been replicated in some way to look similar to the one she so dearly treasured and loved.

I have had two elderly couples who, for their wedding anniversaries, as a testimony and reconfirmation of their love and devotion to each other, have purchased a ring for him and her. 

May these rings truly always be a testimony and a symbol of people choosing to be true to their earthly beloved as well as their heavenly. 




1 comment

  • Thank you, Leedia, for bringing a treasured memory and deep moment of joy back into my life. Your craftmanship, creativity and spiritual beauty is heaven sent. May Adonai continue to bless you in all that you set your hands to do as you radiate His love and bring Him glory and honour.


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