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My pricing struggle testimony

In the beginning of 2020, I received word in Isaiah 54:2-3 “enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, spare not. Lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall break forth to the right and to the left..” A week after this someone approached me to sell my jewellery, along with their products, on their website. I understood that this was what the word referred to and that I was to not hinder/spare it.

My first battle I encountered was how to adjust my prices in order to be able to incorporate wholesalers, include a profit for myself, and provide meaningful jewellery to people in the body, my fellow family, brothers and sisters, at a reasonable price.

An enormous struggle began within me. I so desperately wanted the jewellery to go out to people, to be a blessing, and to be affordable, that I dealt with condemnation, accusation, guilt, frustration, fear, anxiety – all about prices.

My husband and covering stepped in, did research on how to set prices  for handmade jewellery that incorporate wholesalers, and set prices for me in order to end my turmoil, and get me to a place of peace. I increased my prices, trusting the word that I had also received that people would be blessed for investing in a Kingdom business, even when prices were not very low as I thought in my human mind they should be. You see, I would give it away for free if I could, and do myself in, but being in the wilderness financially, this was also our bread and butter and a channel used to provide for our family from week to week. I did not have anything to “pay in extra” to cover expenses incurred.

I ended up having my best year yet, since starting 2015, amidst COVID. My business grew and I had people phoning me in tears about the special experiences they had when they received my jewellery. This should have been my humble acceptance that I was in the right place, even if I was bombarded with condemnation, etc. about my prices, but the struggle and attacks on my mind were severe. I kept feeling guilty that my prices were too high and felt pressured to lower them.

I cried out one day at the end of last year (2020), after praying about my prices all the time, to find an answer what to do about my prices in order to come to rest. I said, “if only someone could tell me in an audible voice not to lower my prices”.

I was invited to a seminar towards the end of 2020. I had to give a mini presentation on my jewellery. My first ever. After this a lady stood up and said she felt to say that my jewellery was anointed and that I shouldn’t lower my prices. I started crying. I heard it, but battled receiving it.

The onslaught on my mind continued. In January 2021 I felt so pressured to lower my prices that I took a cut from myself, and my wholesaler’s markup, and changed my packaging to be more affordable. It rationally made sense that I should lower my prices. Suddenly my business came to a halt, became quiet, almost dead. The only things that sold were some gold jewellery, which ironically is in itself not cheap, and I hadn’t fiddled with my gold jewellery prices.

I finally came to a point in this year where I was reminded to stand up in authority over the attacks the enemy launches on my mind against this Kingdom business. Now when I look at it in more clarity, I think I stepped out of childlike obedience and trust, and tried to rationalize my prices and gave in to all the guilt, condemnation and accusations of the enemy. I moved out of the place of blessing.

I want to return to the place of humble obedience, even if I feel emotional about the price and experience onslaughts. I want to trust that my husband was truly raised up to step in and research and help me set prices. I want to believe that every person who has ever supported and will support this Kingdom business will be blessed as a result by the King of Kings.

I am so sorry for chopping and changing my prices. I am sorry dear brothers and sisters. Even if I have connected with you only once, and some much more, you feel dear, loved and like family to me. I did not want to hurt or break your trust. This business was given to me and I want to be a good steward, not in fear, but one who loves, cares and is humble and obedient. I have now finally, in an act of obedience and trust, increased my prices in the range of what it was initially. 

If you are led, please pray for me and this business. It is jewellery to adorn the spiritual bride. It is jewellery that stands for Scripture, truth and honour of our King Yahweh (God) and our Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). I do feel the onslaughts and prayer would be appreciated. I need wisdom and discernment.

Thank you for reading and allowing me to share. Thank you for each one who has loved, supported and affirmed that there is an anointing on the jewellery. This is not my doing, but Yahweh’s. I am deeply dependent on His blessing and care, not me trying to make anything work. To Him who loves us, be the glory and power for ever!

I’ve always said that it is Yahweh who sends my jewellery out where He wishes for it to go, that His Spirit moves people. I had to repent that I thought my pricing would affect this, and that I was the one sending the jewellery out, had to make it work, and get my prices right. I forgot  that it is not I that send it out, but Yahweh who adorns the bride. I am called to just be the humble, obedient vessel. 

I trust that you will be blessed as you invest in not just my Kingdom business, but so many that have risen lately. May you be led where to “invest” your resources, money, time, prayer, support, words of encouragement etc. I suspect other Kingdom businesses need it just as much as I realise I need it.


Leedia van der Linde

Owner: Elloise Jewellery

+27 74 075 5888


  • Hello Leedia,

    I am from a small town North of Durban. I have surrendered my heart to Yeshua 14 years ago but, I truly have come to Love the people & language of God’s own chosen (the People of Israel). I have recently invested in some books by a Jewish Rabbi I frequently listen to – whom I think is just phenomenal in bringing to life & reality the deep mysteries & wonder of Biblical Prophecies.

    Which has sparked a remembrance in my heart that for the longest time I have wanted a piece of Jewish Jewelry.
    I have always admired & wanted to obtain a Menorah pendant. And for the longest time couldn’t find anywhere that I could trust sufficiently to acquire one from.

    Whilst reading one of the books, I’ve recently got – a thought came to me to get a different item (still a pendant) but, not the Menorah (which, I would still love to also acquire but, cannot just yet due to financial constraints)

    The piece that I would wish to very much order soonest I can would be the little Shofar Pendant which is perfect that I came across on your website.

    The reason I am writing to you, I was most touched by your personal Testimony about the dilemma & struggle you had for the longest time with the ‘Pricing’ of your pieces.

    I pray a blessing upon you & the work of your hands. May the Light, Joy & Love of the Always be & Abide with you & your loved ones.

    God Bless.
    Shalom 🕊

    Warm regards
    📱083 445 0774

    Alucia Sohun
  • Ah Leedia i could not close this blog without a scripture that clearly came to mind right now….
    Psalm 18v34. “he trains my hands for war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze”. may the Lord truly bless you and " reign His kindness down on you like water " for your obendience to just share your vulnerability. I could say so much more but just want to honour you for your willingness (and such kindness to me personally); your desire to bless others and your desire to be His hands and feet. I know Abba Father will open the floodgates of heaven on your heart now as the weightyness is lifted and the peace flows like a river. God bless your business and God bless your beautiful family. May He adorn YOU! I cant wait for Pappa to lay a piece on my heart again….

    heidi jansen

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